Saturday, October 20, 2007

Grandma K called it

Gary's mom was in town for a concert last night and stayed over. She was checking out Tarik's new tooth and said she thought the next one was right there too. She was right on the money. She left town about 2 hours ago and tooth number 2 is popping through!!! That sweet little baby, not a single cry from him about it. Maybe a little more drool than normal, but that is it.

So, this was my first week back to work. It was no fun. Tarik is not shy with strangers yet, so he happily went to his teacher each morning. By Wednesday he seemed to recognize her or her voice and was smiling away at her each morning as I left. He slept well, ate well and seems to be very happy there. Annalise is a different story. (BTW-we switched daycares while I was on leave, so this is a new place. We did visit a couple times last week to help the transition, but it didn't.) The first day, I kinda 'tricked' her. Stayed for about 30 minutes and she didn't want me to leave her side, so I finally told her I had to take Tarik to his room and I would be back to check on her. I did come back, but just poked my head in and saw she was OK and left. Well, she isn't a dummy...the rest of the week she insisted we drop off Tarik first each day. That way I couldn't sneak off. I stayed about 1/2 hour on Tuesday and Wednesday, but each time had to leave her in the teachers arms crying. They, of course, assure me that she is fine within a couple minutes after I leave and I am sure she is, but it is heartbreaking to just walk out when she is crying. Thursday I only stayed about 15 minutes and Friday about 10. One of those days I heard her wailing as I walked out, "My Daddy come pick me up!" over and over. The teacher said he will be here in alittle bit (or in other words - 7 hours). I think she is treated very well, the teachers seem very competent and all the other kids seem very happy. So, it was a really rough week for us. I expect next week to be bad too, but maybe by the 3rd week she will be doing alittle better.
Gary did confirm that the first couple days she seemed alittle sad when he came in, but by the end of the week she was happy and said bye-bye to everyone and the other little 2 year olds said bye back to her.

Tarik has his first cold. I think I thought he had a cold the second week back after we got home, but it only lasted a day. Now, Tarik, Jackson, Annalise, and I have icky colds. Jack and Tarik have a nasty little, croup-y sounding cough with it. Annalise and I 'just' have the runny nose, sore throat. No fevers or anything real bad though. I will officially blame daycare though. heehee When we were there visiting last week, I saw lots of runny noses. The daycare has the kids wash hands (in this cute little bathroom with 5 mini sinks and toilets) before snacks and meals. And they wash the kids hands after diaper changes, but I totally know they are going to pass it around. Just thought it was funny, because we were all doing really good, then started at daycare and now we are all sick. Oh well, it will only make us stronger or something like that.

Gotta run, lots to do on this beautiful weekend for the last 2 soccer games, me logging into work alittle last night, this morning, and tonight, AND visits from Grandma K, Grandpa M (thanks a billion for helping with the Halloween party last night!), and the Hickman family. Oh yes, and we need to squeeze in a visit to the pumpkin farm!!

1 comment:

Monnik said...

Love the picture on the earlier post. Such a cutie! We all have colds too! I had the sore throat/headache/runny nose earlier in the week and now Vali has it...

Sounds like you have a busy, busy weekend. We're headed to the pumpkin farm tomorrow too!

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