The 4 cousins (booty order - Ben, Tarik, Quinn, Lucy - 7 weeks apart)
(mommies and babies)
Great-grandpa and grandma with newest grandchild
It has been 2 weeks and 1 day since we got home and I can't believe it has been so long. And at the same time it seems like forever since we were in Ethiopia.
Here is a quick replay of the last couple weeks.
We were all feeling pretty good that first week after we got home, once we got caught up on sleep. (I really felt like a walking zombie that first Sunday and if I had stopped moving, I would have fallen asleep wherever I would have been standing/sitting.)
Then on that Friday, I almost fainted at the store. Like seriously had to make a sudden move to a bench and then ended up laying on the floor, otherwise I would have went down. I came home and had lots of 'tummy' troubles. I slept most of Friday afternoon and Saturday. I don't take naps, ever, so this was weird and I slept and slept. Vomiting, icky stuff. Miraculously, I felt tons better on Sunday and Labor Day. We spent those days introducing Tarik to the Mangrich's and Krob's and had a wonderful time! But then on Tuesday and into Wednesday, I was back to the icky stuff and just felt plain awful. In the mean time, Gary started feeling bad on Wednesday but trudged into work for his first day back on Thursday. Thursday night he was sick as a dog, a very sick dog. He went to the doctor on Friday. Tarik has been feeling great throughout all this, but his diapers were alittle weird and pretty stinky - more so than a usual BM. So, I took in a sample and he has Clostridium Difficile, or c-diff. Gary too. They are both on meds now. But since my symptoms are gone, my dr said they wouldn't treat me. It seems odd that Gary and I would have such similar symptoms and I don't have it, so we will see what happens. (BTW - poor G - the meds he is on causes a violent vomiting reaction with alcohol and he has to avoid it for the 7 day course of meds plus an additional 3 days!)
So, you think that is it?!?! Nope, Jack came home with a note on Friday saying Strep is going around 1st grade. Guess who got it? Oh yeah, Jackson! Poor kiddo!
But now to the star of our show! TARIK! He is growing and changing every day. He is now finishing those bottles like a champ and easily getting in 30 ounces a day. He is grabbing toys, loves the kick-start gym, can supports his weight on his legs - at least for a few seconds at a time. He coos and squeaks and squeals - sounds like R2-D2 from Star Wars sometimes. It is so cute. We have gotten a few laughs out of him, but that has to been when he is in his best moods. Lots of smiles (when he wants, which is not when the camera is ever on and available!). What a little joy he is.
And alot of work! Despite being an extremely easy baby, it is still alot of work. Part of that is because I have terrible mommy-guilt if I am not holding him or interacting with him at some level anytime he is awake. I was that way with all my kids. When they are awake I want to hold them or sit by them and talk to them while they play or have them in a chair by me so I can look at them while I am cooking. And with him, I feel it is even more important due to his rough start at life. I have to catch up on all that lost time. Lost time with him and me as mother and son. As well as lost time just for Tarik to experience things. I hope I am not over stimulating him, but I just feel like he needs alot of interaction.
Tarik has regressed in one area, the first few days we were home, he woke up once a night, but the last few nights it has been twice. That is tough, and I am so tired and will do anything to get back to sleep that I feed him. Not sure if that is what he needs, but it works. I did spend 35 minutes walking around the house with him last night but it didn't work, so I just fed him anyway. And that just makes me thing, 'if I would have fed him right away we could have been to sleep that much sooner'. So, I need to get that figured out. I have never been good at the let them cry it out methods...
I am trying to make sure we spend some one-on-one time with all the kids to be sure that we don't have any jealousy issues. Not doing too bad so far. I do have to share some of the funny things Anna has done though. Tarik is a big thumb sucker, so Anna has decided to stick her thumb in her mouth a few times, just to get alittle attention. When I am holding Tarik, she loves to climb into my lap too and say, 'Mommy have 2 babies' (and I assure her that I do have 2 babies). She also likes to lie next to him on the play mat and play with his baby toys. And - the best - she insists on taking a bath in the plastic baby bathtub. I let her once, should have taken a pic, it was like an elephant trying to squeeze into the regular bathtub.
OK, I guess that is it. In general things are going pretty good now, between illnesses and I really am thinking those are behind us now. So, if anyone was wanting to visit and needed an invite. Here it is, please feel free to stop over, just don't look at the house - it will be a mess.
I have to admit. I have been waiting, kinda not so patiently at times. I didn't want to intrude, but I knew that just getting into the swing of things would take some time. So, I am glad that things are starting to settle down. I will be over one of these nights to meet the little guy. :)
Hate to hear that you all got sick. Blah! Hate that! But glad to hear that you're on the mend!
See you soon.
I'll be over this week. LOVE the pictures. The booty shot is the best!!
Love ya!
That booty shot should be framed over the mantle at all the grandparents' houses. What a miracle...
Sorry to hear you all were so sick - did the C Diff come from traveling? (it often does)
Hope everyone stays better. And a messy house is expected with ONE baby, let alone 3 other little ones! =)
As embarrassed as they they will be by the booty shot one day...I think it might be one of the cutest things I've seen! Amy
All the mom's and babies look terrific in the picture. and the booty shot is adorable. nothing like a good picture for graduation parties. hope to see you guys all soon. what a fun christmas this will be.
Love ya all,
Congratulations Krob family! I really like the "booty shot" of all the cousins! They all look so cute! Hopefully we can make it to see you guys sometime soon!
Love Jackie
Okay! I love how the photos turned out!! We need to get copies of the little boohinds! I bet it would also be cool in B&W. Yeah, tell Gary that metronidazole reaction sucks! Be careful! Love, Elizabeth
Oh my goodness! I LOVE that first picture!
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