Well, it is hard to believe have been home for 4 days! Gary is home this week with me and the kids are in school, so you would think we would be accomplishing so much. Nah, just playing with Tarik and Anna and buying the baby stuff we seem to still need after 3 kids.
We needed a new mobile and a new baby bath. We also got him a new floor play mat with lots of fun things overhead to look at. Tarik was definitely loved and cared for at the care center in Addis Ababa, but the visual stimulation was lacking, so we need to get him caught up on a few things. When we first got him, we didn't get much eye contact. I am sure it was partially because of his illness and partially because of his environment. But since last Friday, his eye contact has greatly improved.
In addition Tarik isn't (wasn't) reaching for toys, isn't supporting his weight on his legs (an activity I never witnessed at the care center), and isn't laughing out loud. These are all milestones he should be reaching around the 4 month mark - which he will be tomorrow. I really feel like all this will come with alittle time as long as we are giving him the opportunities.
Tarik had his first doctor appointment today and it was pretty much a check-up and we kind of got a baseline for a few things. His last height measurement in the care center was 22 inches, but today he measures 24 (she measured him twice to double check) - this was 25th percentile. He weighed 12 lbs, 10 oz (10th %) today, which is 5.7 kg. He was 5.68 the day we left Ethiopia. So he has not lost weight, but hasn't gained much. He is doing well with the bottle, but still only takes around 3 ounces at a time, so we are having trouble getting enough in. He had 18 oz on Monday and 24 on Tuesday, and it looks like he will be higher today. Dr says he should be in the 24-36 range, so we will continue to work at that. Dr didn't seem too concerned with anything at this point, but we will be back in 2 weeks to re-check his weight and make sure all is going well. And probably to get some immunizations. :(
We had Open House at school last night and got to meet Katie and Jack's teachers. It was nice and fun for the kids to introduce Tarik to their teachers. They are both enjoying school so far and really like their teachers.
While we were gone, soccer started up and Mom and Dad got to run ragged between 3 practices a week and 2 games on the weekends. Now we get to take over, starting tomorrow with Jack practicing from 5:45-6:30 at one park and Katie from 6-7:30 at a different park. The religious education starts, then cub scouts, and the fun begins!!! But, we like it this way, hardly know what to do with ourselves when it isn't like this. (Yes, we COULD spend more time cleaning or something, but what fun is that?!)
OK, sorry for the long post! Just had to try to get caught up alittle.
One last thing, thanks so much for leaving comments on the blog. It is awesome to 'hear' from all of you!
Oh, what an adorable family you have.
Can't wait to come meet him - just let me know when you've settled in.
your schedule sounds crazy - sounds familiar. ;)
Monnik always takes my comments...!
Yes, your family is gorgeous! Sounds like you are making an easy transition into "baby mode" again, a task I can't even contemplate without a twinge of nausea :).
Have fun and keep posting!
I'm with you there, G. The thought of diaper duty and sleepless nights makes me squirm.
Jen's always been a natural at baby mode, though. I'll never forget watching her effortlessly make a tray of appetizers with baby Jack on her hip the whole time. She made it look like the most natural thing in the world.
Glad to hear you've started settling in and the little one's feeling better!
you know, Ben was only 14 lbs at his 4 month check up--so not too far off--he definately looks healthy! What a cutie! Can't wait to meet him! Ben is excited, too!
Congrats on your new little one. I can't wait to see him. He looks like a real cutie. Congrats again
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