Our flight home was horrible only because of one place that I hate more than any other in the world, O'Hare International Airport. We got in on time and should have left Chicago around 2:45. The first time on a plane we were speeding down the runway to take off when the pilot suddenly, and I mean suddenly, stopped the plane because a gauge went out. Back to the terminal we went and off the plane we came. About an half hour later we were ushered back on the plane. This time we only had to move a short way down the runway when another guage went bye-bye. Back to the terminal and off the plane we came.
Hold on a second Tarik is saying some to me and being cute.
Okay I am back. Back at O'Hell we spent the next six hours being ushered from one gate to another. Having one flight after another cancelled or full until there was one last flight out. (The one that got us home at midnight.) I am currently downloading pictures and should be able to put something together soon, but until I do here is a shot of Tarik at O'Hell International.
Now I need to introduce my son to SportsCenter. Goodnight, or good morning, what ever it is.
Welcome home.
Grandma & Grandpa Krob
He is so amazingly adorable. Glad that you finally made it home!!
Give me a call when you guys are settled so I can bring the kids over and meet him.
What a total doll! I bet it's hard to believe you have actually made it...
Welcome back, and have a wonderful time getting to know your new son.
Love, G$
He is gorgeous! We prayed for his tummy to feel better at church this morning. We are so glad to have you home. I think we will give you guys some space and see if we can squeeze into your schedule next weekend. We cannot wait to meet him!!
Love, ELizabeth
Congrats and welcome home. He is just beautiful. So excited and happy for you. Can't wait to see the new addition. Your buddies from the Quad Pod and all of PO.
Congrats to all the big brothers and sisters Tariku now has too!!!!!!
Welcome home!! Let me know when you bring those adorable children in to the State Library. Blessings to your family from another adoptive parent,
He's a doll! What a cutie! Silas has that same cute t shirt!
Welcome home! Tarik is such a cutie. We enjoyed following your trip & can't wait for Jen to bring him into work & show him off to all of us. I bet your other kids are excited to have him home & you guys too. Enjoy your time off! Oh, and post more pictures of all your kids when you have a minute. :-)
Ann & Scott,
Jackson & Lily
People should read this.
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