This all came about because I had bought a home highlighting kit and did a horrible job. It wasn't so bad in the front where I could see and reach, but the back was spotty, I missed sections up at the top and I couldn't stand it. So, I had to get it colored and then I figured since my hair was in a ponytail every single day, I might as well try something new. (check the ISU family pic from 2 posts ago - not cute!)
So, I will attach a pic of the inspiration and if you can picture it shorter, much darker, and with my face - that would be me.
BTW - Jackson cried about it and I had been warning him for weeks that I was wanting to cut it. He is obsessed with my hair, has been since a baby - he would put himself to sleep by playing with it and he never grew out of that. Poor kiddo.

So, that was off-topic, but I just needed to warn y'all.
Otherwise all is well. Tarik rolled from back to tummy on Monday and is getting pretty good at sitting for several seconds. I am still having a wonderful time at home with Annalise and Tarik. I totally dread going back to work. Katie and Jack are having a fun week at school. It is homecoming week and they dressed up - crazy hair day, pj day, cowboy day, dressup day (since it was picture day) and tomorrow is black and gold day. Here are a couple pics.
Lastly, but not leastly, Happy Birthdays to my wonderful Sister, Elizabeth and mother-in-law Cheryl!!!
I can't wait to see your hair. I'm glad for the warning. I might've clobbered you. :) Not really, I'm sure. :)
Love the pictures. So cute!!! Yay, Tarik! Way to go!!!
Can't wait to see you!
Dude! You are so brave. I've been wanting a drastic change for my hair for a while now, but am too chicken to do anything.
I can't wait to see it. You should've posted a picture of it, you doof!
If...I say IF...I ever got a drastic new cut, this one would be it!! I bet it looks great on you!
I just can't part with the curls....I am a slave to the curls!
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