Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Things that make you go hmmmm...

So we have been busy getting things finalized for our trip. Tickets have been purchased and are in our hands (yes, they are the old-fashioned paper kind, no e-tickets). We made reservations at a nice little hotel in Cairo, Hotel Longchamps, and are starting to get all of our packing organized. In the midst of this I had an interesting conversation and revelation I wanted to share. I was talking with a co-worker about our adoption and she asked when Tariku's birthday was. I told her that he was born on April 30, 2007. She asked if he had been conceived before or after we started the process. That got me thinking and started some goosebumps.

Assuming a normal pregnancy, and I think we can assume that because we have not been given any information that he was born prematurely, Tariku was conceived around August 7th or so. If you click on the link titled "Our Adoption timeline" you can see we have kept track of all of the dates throughout the process. On August 2nd we decided to use Children's Home as our agency and on August 9th we completed our registration and on August 17th we sent in our application. If that isn't a sign that Tariku was meant to be ours, I don't know what is.

Also, it is quite neat that we will be in Ethiopia exactly 1 year from the date we sent in our application.

There is so much to do in the next (gak!) 11 days! Having 3 children, I assumed we had everything we needed for a new baby. But we headed to Wal-Mart with a long list of things we need for Tariku.

Lastly, but not leastly...HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACKSON!!!!! My little guy is turning 6 today! How could that be? It seems so old! Love you little buddy! xoxo


Monnik said...

Oh man, that gave me goosebumps just reading it! Definitely a meant to be situation.

Happy Birthday to Jack!!

Anonymous said...

hey this is mehan i just wanted to let u know taht if u need anythin car seat swing clothes diaper bag i have tons of stuff let me know otherwise i am going to give it to goodwill sooo let me know!!!

~megan m~

krobzoo said...

Megan, you are awesome! I know you were practically prepared to have a baby even when you were like 9 years old, and you are so good with all the little kids. Might have to check out your swing, if you haven't gotten rid of it yet. It is probably nicer than ours...

Lilypie Date is set Ticker