Monday, May 14, 2007

And the wait continues...

I am not sure who coined the phrase "No news is good news," but I seriously doubt they were talking about adoption. Things have been REALLY quiet on the referral front and the June 15th deadline which a few weeks ago seemed no big deal, is starting to get a little scary. We sent an e-mail to our agency about 2 weeks ago just to get an idea of how things were looking. Jan was, as expected, not able to give us much information. She just confirmed where we were in the process and that she couldn't guarantee a referral before the June 15th cutoff, but to remain optimistic. We are trying to, that's for sure, but it is hard. Running around taking the kids to practice and ball games every night of the week helps.

There was a great article about adoption from Liberia in the Sunday paper. I am including a link and really recommend reading it. Also in honor of Mother's Day I am including the Amharic word for "mother" - Enat or Emaye


Monnik said...

That is just an amazing story. I can't even imagine how horrible it must be to have scar tissue closing your esophagus.

My fingers are crossed for a big referral week so that you guys beat the 6/15 deadline.

All my best, Nik

Anonymous said...

well i am now stooking your site i and can't wait for the referral more kids in the neighborhood!!! well i will be checking in every now and then!!!


Lilypie Date is set Ticker