Thursday, March 29, 2007

Site meter fun!

Okay, as it will become obvious, I am starting to run out of things to talk about. This week's topic is is the wonderful world of the site meter. When we started this blog one of things I wanted to put in was a site meter so we could see from where and how many people were reading our blog. I admit it may seem geeky but I am what I am. Let me just say it is COOL!!!!

If you click on the site meter below you can view reports and maps about where all of your traffic is coming from. We have people across the globe reading this, not all of the time mind you but once in a while. There is also a referral link which shows how people are finding our blog. Seems we are links on a couple of other people's site. One of sites linking to us are the relatives of our neighbors which Jen has mentioned before. (Big shout out to Stephanie and Brian, now that the weather has improved we need to get together and chat. I still can't believe the connection!)

I can also see from looking at the reports that most of you check our blog early in the week. Of course since this is being posted on Thursday, I am obviously not taking advantage of this knowledge.

*Personal goal will be that we get back on track posting Sunday or Monday.*

However please keep in mind that I also have personal goals to lose more weight, somehow grow hair on the top of my head, and to retire at an early age.

So now that I have shown you all the wonders of the site meter, what should we do with this knowledge? I want to take a family vacation activity and bring it into the 21st century. When we were kids, we took the car practically everywhere for vacation. On the trip mom would try and find license plates for all 50 states. I want to do one better, I want to get comments from as many states and countries as possible! So click the word "comment" below this post and let us know where you are. You can post as "Anonymous," just select that option, write in the box above that and click "Publish your comment" Really quite simple. Also, if you wish, you can click on the envelope below and send this blog to anyone you think can help us reach our goal.

Drinks are on me if we can get all 50 states and let's say...30 countries. Don't let me down.


Amy B. said...

I recently wrote a similar post about the amazing site meter. We are planning to start our adoption of a baby boy this summer from Ethiopia. We have three bio kids (a boy 8, a girl 5, and a girl that is 21 months). Our blog site is We currently live in San Antonio, Texas.

Karen said...

I'm in Hartland, Michigan, reading your blog as often as there is a new entry! My husband and I just started our process to adopt a baby from Ethiopia which probably explains my compulsive interest. Our blog site is

Good luck!

Monnik said...

I'm in Alleman, Iowa and I check your blog almost every day.


Anonymous said...

I live next door to you. :D I try to check at least once a week.


Mom In Scrubs said...

I am in Iowa City, Iowa. Love your blog and check it a couple times a week!

Unknown said...

OK, so I don't read your blog as often as I should, but I think of you all every day. We are getting anxious for your referral to come through, but not as anxious as you I am sure. You know Chicago is a great summer getaway destination!! Maybe you could come over July 4th again, and then you could babysit our children while we go to the Police concert. I think that sounds like tons of fun! And from an earlier post, why would you want to camp with the Hickmans and not us?? Just because Adam doesn't like tents, sleeping bags, lakes, campfires, dirt, sketchy bathroom faciltities, and going without air conditioning, doesn't mean we don't like to go camping :) Can't wait to see everyone this weekend.
Live from Chicago, this is....Sarah (Ok fine, so we really live in a suburb, close enough).

Anonymous said...

Does it count that we were visiting your grandparents in Florida a couple of weeks ago? If not, "HI" from Ely, IA

Anonymous said...

Hi Friends!

I'm going to pass your site a few friends here and there to get you closer to your 50 states. Got my fingers (and toes) crossed that "the list" gets shorter FAST so Baby Krob comes home quickly!! Hope to see you guys again soon, so you can meet Miss Zoe!! :) Sorry...just from boring old Urbandale Iowa...but does it count that I was in Ethiopia 5 weeks ago???

Lilypie Date is set Ticker