- Jen asked that I post some pictures of the kids from our Chicago trip as well as some outdoor playtime so I will be putting them in at the bottom of this post.
- On Saturday night we met with another family in the process of adopting from Ethiopia. We got their e-mail address from Angela our case worker. Jen had been e-mailing her over the past month or so and we decided to get everyone together. They have two boys and have received their referral for a beautiful baby girl. They are now waiting on their travel date. Oh I forgot to mention they live here in our area too. There are a couple other families we have been in contact with who were unable to join us this weekend but want to get together next time. It is so nice to have other families close by who have adopted or are in the process of adopting from Ethiopia. We really think it will be helpful to our family to have these connections close by.
- Ahhhh, message boards. You could say I am slightly addicted to them. (Jen is slowly becoming a junkie as well.) The wealth of information as well as the camaraderie that is out on the web is unbelievable. I think Jen mentioned the CHSFS board in a previous post, but if not this one is GREAT! The Ethiopia forum is the biggest and most active of all their boards. As of today there are over 12,000 posts. What is nice about this board is that everyone here for the most part are using CHSFS or have used the agency in the past. If you have a question you can post it and have a reply in minutes. I also have subscribed to a number of boards on Yahoo! There is an Ethiopian adoption board which has people from all of the different agencies, there is another board for people using CHSFS and recently I stumbled across an Iowa international adoption board. This one has posting from people in Iowa about adoption, it is not as active but still something I check with some frequency.
- We didn't mention a nice little get together we had in early December. We got together with about 4 other families at David's Place in Iowa City. I mention this because David's Place is an Ethiopian restaurant and I highly recommend it. In fact I beg of you, if you are in the area stop in and give it a try.
- We love that people have been posting comments! Please do so if you have time, it lets us know that we have people reading this and actually makes doing this blog a lot more fun. We have not replied to the comments because we weren't sure if that was the "right way" to do things in the blogging world.
- Finally, Jen wanted me to mention that I have ended a couple of my posts with a word in Amharic. So for those keeping score at home:
- Dehna hunu - Goodbye
- selam - Peace
To my wife and family, Afekrishalehou!

I love reading your blog!! And I even feel GUILTY doing it! I live so close to you and I keep up with your lives by INTERNET!!! That's just sad.
But yes, the temps have been horrible. I'm ready for spring!!
Love the blog! And love the pics!
Signed, Stephanie
Great pix! Welcome to the world of Ethiopian adoption.
Mary, mom to many, including 2 from Ethiopia
Hey guys, great pics and thanks for the update!
I check the blog everyday and love hearing about the process. (I have a list of several blogs that I check while I'm having my morning coffee at work, and yours is on the list.)
The message boards sound very cool. I became addicted to message boards when we had our stillbirth, and found a wealth of information, support, and friendship on the ones I frequented, so I can totally relate. What a great way to bring people going through similar experiences together.
Stay warm, this weather has to end someday!
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