Hey - yeah so...where do I begin? This isn't that hard, yet I can't seem to make the time.
Tarik was 20 lbs 6 oz (50th %tile) at his 9 month and 27 1/4 inches (25th %tile). So, he is a little chub, but I did verify that my first little love was a whopping 22 lbs and 29 1/2 inches at her 9 month checkup. So, she was a bigger baby, all around.
Tarik is crawling like a little mad-man now. He started out about 3 weeks ago and it was such a sight - he looked like a wind-up bug or something - very slow and mechanical-like. His daycare teacher described it like 'baby alive', a doll that used to crawl. Now, he is quick and pulls up to his knees, trying to get to his feet. He is across the room in an instance, which makes the top of the steps worrisome. With Jack, we didn't use the basement quite so much and didn't seem to need a babygate. Annalise was patient and easy and didn't dare the top of the steps (ok, she did fall once, I fell down them later that same day-it was weird). Anyway, now we are up and down the steps a dozen times a day, so I know he is going to be tempted. We have round banisters (poles or whatever) at the top of the steps, so we can't use the pressure mounted kind of gate, and I hate to drill into the wood... And then there are the gates with multiple sides, that maybe we could use somehow, but they run over $100. Kinda pricey... and I am not sure they would solve all the problems.
Annalise, our little love bug, is very well on her way to potty-trained. It happened quickly, well quickly once she decided to do it... When I was on leave last fall it was my goal to get her potty-trained and she spent many days running around without a diaper on and I managed to get her to 'go' 1 time. I knew she was holding it though, so I figured it would be coming soon. Fast forward 4 months, not so soon, I guess. But a week ago, on a Sunday, she spent the entire day in big-girl panties and only had 1 tiny accident. She wore diapers to daycare last week, but we switched to underpants in the evenings and she never had any accidents. Then this Sunday on the way home for CR, she stayed dry for the 2 hour drive. So, she is wearing underpants to daycare this week and we haven't had any accidents yet!! She is amazingly proud of herself and SO excited. I just love it too!
Katie and Jack both had wonderful reports at school during the parent-teacher confernces. Both of their teachers seem to really like them. And that is great, since due to snow days, we may be going all summer.
Jackson participted in his first Pine Wood Derby with Cub Scouts. He designed and painted a Cheetah car. It was super cute. No big winner this year (he did come in second in several races), but it was a good start.
Gary and I just had a big weekend. Gary and my brothers-in-law got tickets to Bon Jovi in Chicago last Saturday for Sarah, Elizabeth and me. So, we stayed in a swanky, modern - yet retro (and too expensive) hotel called, The James. It was a cool place. And we had an excellent dinner at The Republic, across the street. The concert was amazing, we did alot of swoonning, which I wouldn't think I would do at this age, but man, I love the music, and he is so darn CUTE! We had very good seats, thanks to Adam!!!! We were straight to the side of the stage - 10th row up the first risers. AND the stage went out on the sides into the seat alittle and ended where Jon was 5 rows in front of us. He did not spend nearly enough time there... I will be posting a pic as soon as I get one from Sarah, since my dumb camera was dead!
Happy Birthday Niki! Happy early Birthday Gretch! Miss you both, it has been awhile. :(