Even though we haven't received official clearance for travel we have started to do some of the preliminary work. Vaccinations are almost all done. We went in yesterday to get our Yellow Fever shot but were told we need to come next week. It seems since we had our MMR shots done about three weeks ago, there needs to be 28 days between live vaccinations. (Probably should have checked with one of the three medical professionals in the family on that one.)
We have spoken with a travel agent up in Minneapolis, one of three recommended by our agency, and have gotten a tentative itinerary and costs. Let's just say after we picked ourselves up off the ground, we talked about the fact that we knew it was going to be pricey, and how what is really important is why we are going, not the cost. Currently we are looking at leaving on August 13th (a Monday) and spending three days in Cairo before we go to Addis Ababa. As is turns out a round trip ticket to Cairo with a stopover in Addis is cheaper than a round trip ticket to Addis. Not a lot cheaper but enough that we thought "why not." After all, there is not telling how soon, or if we will get back that way.
The other thing we started was a massive list project. If anyone stops in our house now our fridge is currently covered with 5-6 different lists. Each one is for a different subject and lists everything we need to do under that subject. We have a list for getting the kids ready for the start of school (which we will be missing), a list for packing, a list of things we need to get before we leave, a list about Jack's birthday (which we will NOT be missing), a list of housework projects that need to be completed before we can leave, etc. Looking it all over, we have decided we have no free time left between now and when we leave. Of course after making that observation we have decided to go out with friends on Friday night and camping with the Hickman's on Saturday. Might as well make things interesting.
Here's to hoping for some good news on Monday!
Blue Nile Falls in Ethiopia